|  e-ISSN: 2718-0107

Volume 5 Issue 2 (September 2024)

Original Articles

Issue Information

Issue Information

pp. 0 - 0   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064


Issue Information

Keywords: Issue Information

Psychological Counselor Candidates Leadership Self-Efficacy: Personality Traits, Cognitive Flexibility, and Emotional Intelligence

Hazel Duru & Gizem Günçavdı-Alabay

pp. 1 - 17   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.1


The existing studies show that there are relationships among personality traits, cognitive flexibility, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy. The leadership self-efficacy, which is considered as a dimension of overall self-efficacy, is yet to be studied with these dimensions. Also, there are not any studies that analyze the relationship among these four variables. To fill in this gap in the literature, the aim of this study is to understand the relationship among the personality traits, cognitive flexibility, emotional intelligence and leadership self-efficacy of the psychological counselor candidates. The participants are 359 students who study psychological counseling and guidance at a state university in Turkey. The results of path analysis show that there are significant direct and mediator relations among the variables personality traits, cognitive flexibility, emotional intelligence and leadership self-efficacy.

Keywords: Psychological counselor candidates, leadership self-efficacy, personality traits, cognitive flexibility, emotional intelligence

Impact of Digital Story Writing Practices on Disavantaged Areal Children

Selami Keskin & İbrahim Seçkin Aydın

pp. 18 - 39   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.2


Although migration is as old as human history, it can be defined as people leaving the place they live in and living elsewhere in line with their needs. The act of migration can occur both individually and socially. While individual migrations are generally caused by economic reasons, political reasons are more effective in social migrations. People who are displaced by social migrations need to adapt to the people living where they go. This adaptation begins with first learning the language of the place of migration. Among the language skills, writing skill is one of the most difficult skills to learn. Various methods are used to facilitate learning writing skills. One of these methods is digital story writing studies. The aim of the study is to examine the effect of digital story writing on the writing motivation and perception of writing self-efficacy of disadvantaged children in the 7th grade of secondary school whose native language is not Turkish. In the research model, a pretest-posttest weak sample design, one of the quasi-experimental designs, was used. According to the weak sampling design, the study was conducted with only the experimental group and there was no control group in the study. The reason for this situation is that the conditions that will provide the control group cannot be met. The research was conducted in the second semester of the 2022-2023 academic year in Turkey with 7th grade students whose native language is not Turkish. The study lasted eight weeks and the "Photo Story 3" program was used to create digital stories during the study process. Two different scales were used to collect data: writing motivation and writing self-efficacy. These scales were applied as pre-test and post-test and the data were analyzed using the SPSS package program. As a result of the analysis, the difference between the pre-test and post-test was examined. As a result of the research, a significant difference (p <.01) was observed between the pre-test and post-test scores of the writing motivation and writing self-efficacy scales applied to the experimental group. This has shown that digital story writing activities increase the psychological dimensions of writing skills of secondary school students whose native language is not Turkish.

Keywords: Digital story writing, writing motivation, writing self-efficacy, migration.

The Mediating Role of Self-Regulation in the Relationship Between Parental Attitude and Locus of Control with Academic Motivation

Şeyma Mızrak & Ramin Aliyev

pp. 40 - 56   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.3


The study explored the mediating role of self-regulation in the relationship between parental attitude, locus of control, and academic motivation. Employing the correlational research design, the study was conducted with 885 high school students determined by random sampling method. In the study, five different data collection tools, the Personal Information Form, the Academic Motivation Scale, the Parental Attitudes Scale, the Self-Regulation Skills Scale, and the Locus of Control Scale, were used for data collection. Structural equation modeling was utilized for analysis. Accordingly, the measurement model was tested with confirmatory factor analysis. The examination of the fit coefficient for the independent model (Chi-square=4615.59, p<001) showed that the variance-covariance matrix was suitable for testing and there were significant relationships between the variables. After testing the first model, the measurement model was tested for the second model, which theoretically proposed as locus of control as the independent variable, self-regulation skill as the mediating variable and academic motivation as the criterion variable. In the first model, while the fit indices indicated that there were relationships between the variables, no mediation relationship was found when indirect effects were examined. In the study, a mediation relationship was found in the second model. The study results revealed that locus of control was not a significant long-term predictor of academic motivation after the locus of control mediator variable was added to the model. This result indicates that self-regulation skills have a mediating role in the relationship between locus of control and academic motivation.

Keywords: Keywords: Parental attitude, locus of control, self-regulation, academic motivation.

Analysing the Messages Received by Prospective Turkish Language Teachers from Their Environment in Terms of Gender Roles

Yasemin Özhan & Fatih Kana

pp. 57 - 73   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.4


Gender roles affect individuals in society in every aspect from the distribution of responsibilities within the family to the choice of profession and job, from clothing style to behavioural characteristics. Each individual is affected by this influence process to a different extent in different subjects. Because each family instils codes similar to the cultural structure in which it is located. The individual continues to apply these codes in the socialisation process. After the family, the first socialisation area begins to experience these roles in educational institutions. In the educational environment, students encounter people who will be role models for them. In this context, in this study, it was aimed to examine the messages received from their environment during the socialisation process of Turkish language teacher candidates from different age groups studying at a state university in western Turkey in terms of gender roles.  In the study, a personal information form and a semi-structured form were used to collect data for each participant. The semi-structured form consisted of 3 open-ended questions related to the scale. The form was asked to the field experts before the application. It was finalised by making arrangements in line with the feedback from the field experts. Of the Turkish language teacher candidates participating in the study, 69.7% were female students and 30.3% were male students. In line with the findings obtained from the research, it is possible to say that male participants received more messages from their parents and friends about expressing their feelings about the traditional gender role and appearing strong, while female participants were exposed to messages focused on placing women in a more passive and passive position and dragging them to a secondary status.


Keywords: Gender, Gender Roles, Teacher Candidates

The Effect of Educational Robotic Applications on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic and Meta-Thematic Study

Muhterem Akgün & İsmail Hakan Akgün

pp. 74 - 96   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.5


In this study, the effect of educational robotic applications on academic achievement was examined using meta-analytic and meta-thematic methods. The CMA program was used in the analysis of the quantitative data in the study, and since it was determined that there was heterogeneity between the studies. As a result of the quantitative findings of the study, it was determined that educational robotic applications had a strong positive effect on the academic achievement of the students (Hedge's g = 0.822). According to the results of the research, it was concluded that it had the most significant effect on students' academic success in the fields of science (Hedge's g = 1.134) and algorithm (Hedge's g = 1.121) according to the courses, and at the secondary school level (g = 0874, Qbetween = 1.608, p = 0.000) has been reached. As a result of the qualitative findings obtained from the study, it was determined that educational robotic applications contributed positively to students' learning in many cognitive, affective, and social aspects such as classroom participation, active learning, motivation, cooperation, and communication. According to the results of the research, it can be said that educational robotic environments have many positive effects such as relating to real life, learning by doing and experiencing, provides concrete experiences, active participation, but there are problems such as technical problems, time consuming and making learning difficult.

Keywords: Educational Robotics, meta-analysis, meta-thematic, academic achievement

Investigation of Secondary School Mathematics Teacher Candidates' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Information Technology Use through Online Photovoice Method

Aygen Koç Koca

pp. 97 - 118   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.6


In this study, the areas that pre-service mathematics teachers associate with their use of information technology and their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) were examined. In this qualitative study, data were collected from 98 pre-service mathematics teachers using the Online Photovoice (OPV) method. In the analysis of the data, Online Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (OIPA) was used to examine pre-service teachers' information technology uses and TPACK separately with a holistic approach. Information technology usage and demographic characteristics of the participants were examined in line with the data obtained through OPV. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the participants were able to use computers at an intermediate level, very few of them were able to receive expert support. They used technology frequently and used social networking sites the most. The data obtained for TPACK were analyzed in three stages by the researcher and a mathematics education specialist. As a result of the analysis, 13 different main themes emerged. It was determined that mathematics teachers mostly expressed TPACK with main themes such as life, knowledge increase, concretization, and education. On the other hand, it was determined that the participants associated TPACK mostly with the microsystem elements of the ecological systems theory and the effect of this association decreased as the system expanded.

Keywords: Pre-service mathematics teachers, Online Photovoice (OPV), Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), Information technologies.

Investigation of Primary School Teachers Opinions on the Use of Augmented Reality Supported Course Materials

Damla Özkan & Bülent Güven

pp. 119 - 132   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.7


Augmented reality (AR) technology is seen as a factor affecting teaching processes with digital transformation. In this context, the main purpose of this research is to determine the views of primary school teacher on the use of augmented reality supported course materials. The research was conducted with a case study design in accordance with the qualitative method. The study group of the research consists of 25 primary school teacher working in the Lüleburgaz district of Kırklareli province in the 2022-2023 academic year. The research data were collected by focus group interview technique using a semi-structured interview form.

Based on the analysis of the findings of the research; it is possible to say that the participants lack knowledge and misconceptions about AR teaching materials, that the participants cannot use AR-supported course materials in lessons because they find their own digital skills insufficient, and that teachers need applied training to improve their digital skills. In the case of using AR materials, it was determined that they tended to use them as an attention-grabbing tool in the introduction of the lesson, to visualize Mathematics and Science lessons, and to eliminate the lack of materials in the lessons. Considering the primary school program and classroom conditions, it was concluded that AR-supported course materials will become useful only with laboratory environments to be established in schools.

Keywords: Augmented Reality Technology, Teaching Materials, Classroom Teachers, Digital Revolution

Expert Opinions on the Effect of Grammar Teaching on Oral Expression Skills

Ayçe Cansu Yaşar, Ali Türkel & Koray Öz

pp. 133 - 152   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.8


Grammar teaching has been one of the controversial issues in both Turkish education and mother tongue education in other countries from past to present in terms of its necessity and teaching method. In this study, the effectiveness of grammar teaching on speaking, one of the four basic language skills, was examined by taking the opinions of theatre actors, presenters, politicians, teachers and academicians. The aim of this research is to give a different perspective to the literature on the role of grammar in Turkish education by taking the opinions of professional groups (theater actors, presenters, politicians, teachers and academicians) who are competent in speaking skills on the effect of grammar teaching on speaking skills. Considering that theatre actors, presenters and politicians are among the professional groups that use spoken language most effectively, it is of great importance to examine the opinions of these professional groups on the effect of grammar teaching on speaking skills. In addition, Turkish education 5,6,7 and 8. The opinions of the Turkish teachers working in the Ministry of National Education, who carried out direct communication in the classrooms with the students, and the field academicians who examined and researched Turkish education and grammar teaching at the academic level were also obtained. This study is valuable in terms of obtaining and comparing the views of five different occupational groups, each of which is likely to look at the issue from a different perspective and each of which is relevant to the issue from different aspects. The design of the research created with the qualitative research method is the case study. A semi-structured interview form was used to collect the data, and content analysis was used to analyze the data. It is a descriptive study. According to the expert opinions analyzed, while the presenters saw the highest effect on the speech dimensions of grammar lessons, academicians and teachers stated lower effects on this subject. As a result of the research, it was concluded that mother tongue education in schools is far from gaining many skills and habits aimed at gaining.

Keywords: Grammar, Turkish education, Grammar teaching, Oral expression, Speaking

An Analysis of Questions Based on Reading Texts in Turkish Textbooks Prepared For Foreigners According to Barrett's Taxonomy

Mehmet Kardoğan & Hulusi Geçgel

pp. 153 - 169   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.9


Bu çalışmanın amacı, yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi için hazırlanan ders kitaplarındaki okuma metinlerine dayalı soruları Barrett Taksonomisi çerçevesinde incelemektir. Çalışmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden biri olan doküman incelemesi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın materyalini Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Türkçe Öğretimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi tarafından hazırlanan “Yabancılara Türkçe” ders kitapları oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda ders kitaplarındaki okuma metinlerine dayalı soruların cevap kaynağına göre çoğunlukla metin içi, soru türüne göre çoğunlukla kısa cevaplı sorular ve Barrett taksonomisine göre çoğunlukla basit anlama düzeyinde sorular olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlardan yola çıkarak ders kitapları hazırlanırken soruların dengeli bir şekilde dağıtılması ve ders düzeyi ilerledikçe daha üst düzey bilişsel becerilere yönelik sorulara yer verilmesi önerilmektedir.

Keywords: Barrett taxonomy, subtext questions, teaching Turkish as a foreign language.

The Effect of Digital Storytelling on Secondary School Students' Perception of Environmental Behaviour and Affective Dispositions

Gülden Gürsoy & Sevda Demirtaş

pp. 170 - 198   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.10


This study was conducted to examine the effect of using digital storytelling in science education on secondary school students' affective dispositions and behavioral perceptions towards the environment. Quasi-experimental design, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the study. The study was conducted with 56 students studying in the 5th grade of a public secondary school in Adıyaman province. The sample was divided into two groups as experimental and control groups, taking into account their academic achievement in science course. In the experimental process, "Human and Environment" unit was carried out for 5 weeks through the activities in the curriculum book in the control group and through digital storytelling in the experimental group. Data were collected as pre-test and post-test with the help of Environmental Behavior Test (EBT) and Environmental Affective Tendency Test (EATT) developed by Sontay (2013). The data were analysed by using normality test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, dependent-independent t-test with Spss package programme. As a result of the findings, it was concluded that there was a significant difference in the environmental behaviors of the students both in the experimental and control groups in the "Human and Environment" unit teaching. When analysed in terms of affective disposition towards the environment, it was found that there was a significant difference in the experimental group, while there was no significant difference in the control group. As a result, it was concluded that the use of digital storytelling in "Human and Environment" unit teaching has a positive effect on 5th grade students' perceptions of behaviour towards the environment and affective dispositions.

Keywords: Digital storytelling, science education, human and environment, environmental behaviour, environmental affective tendecy

The Idioms in Aziz Nesin's Work 'Toros Canavari (The Monster of Taurus)' and Their Translation into Greek

Sipel Osman Oglou

pp. 199 - 212   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.11


This article is about the translation of the phrasal units and idioms from Turkish into Greek in Aziz Nesin’s play Toros Canavarı (The Monster of Taurus). And specifically, the translation of the phrasal units which contain body parts is examined. How these special phrases of the source text are reflected in the target text and their comprehensibility by the target language readers and audience (in a play), are evaluated in the light of Mona Baker's translation strategies. This analysis was carried out by taking into account the written text (SL) of Aziz Nesin’s work Toros Canavarı and the translation of the same text «Το θεριό του Ταύρου» into Greek (TL) by Ermos Argaios. First of all, idioms containing body parts and special words (discourses) specific to Turkish culture were identified in the Source Text (ST), and then it was discussed to what extent they have equivalents in the Greek translation of the work (TT). According to scholars there are three different equivalences in languages belonging to different language families. These are classified as full equivalence, partial equivalence and zero equivalence Taking this entire translation framework into consideration, this paper tried to examine the translation of the idioms containing body parts into the target language (Greek), evaluating the equivalences at verbal and cultural level but also the losses that took place in the target text.

Keywords: Aziz Nesin, translation of phrasal units, translation strategies, Greek, body parts

The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Turkish as a Foreign Language Learners’ Speaking Anxiety and Speaking Skill Achievement

Sevda Yusufoğlu & Fatma Bölükbaş Kaya

pp. 213 - 227   |  DOI: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.12


The aim of this study is to determine the effect of speaking lessons conducted with the flipped classroom model in teaching Turkish as a foreign language on students' speaking anxiety and speaking test success. In this direction, activities for developing speaking skills in the textbooks used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language were analysed and speaking lesson materials consisting of six units were prepared by taking advantage of the opinions of instructors and experts. The six units were applied to 18 students at B1 level who learn Turkish as a foreign language in a six-week period. In the qualitative phase, three open-ended interview questions were applied at the end of the implementation process to reveal the students' perceptions of the flipped learning experiences. Speaking Anxiety Scale and Speaking Achievement Test were used in this study. Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS 2024 statistical package software and dependent t-test was used for this purpose. Qualitative analyses were conducted through Maxqda24 software. As a result of the quantitative findings obtained after the speaking lessons through the flipped classroom model, it was observed that there was a significant decrease in students' speaking anxiety and a simultaneous increase in their speaking achievement. As a result of the qualitative data analysis, it was seen that the students had positive opinions about the flipped classroom model. Speaking lessons with the flipped classroom model led the students to have more practice opportunities in the lesson and to be exposed to the target language before the lesson. Thus, it was concluded that there was an improvement in the speaking skills of B1 level students who learn Turkish as a foreign language.

Keywords: Flipped Classroom Model, Flipped Learning, Speaking Anxiety, Positioning Skills Achievement Test, Speaking Skills.