Volume 4 Issue 1 (March 2023)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2023.528



Original Articles Investigation of Special Education Teacher Candidates’ Problem-Solving Skills and Their Views on Mathematical Creativity

Aygen Koç Koca

pp. 1 - 14   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2023.528.1


Mathematical creative thinking and problem-solving skills are essential for success in the 21st century. The present study investigated 43 special education teacher candidates’ creative processes by examining their mathematical problem-solving skills and, later, by interviewing them. This qualitative case study revealed the creative process stages of the respondents while they worked on mathematical problems and examined how they achieved original ideas and strategies. The results showed that pre-service teachers did not produce enough original solutions to an arithmetic mathematical problem. Teacher candidates and teachers play a vital role in developing students’ creative thinking skills in the teaching process. For this reason, the results show that it is essential to create, develop, and use learning activities that support the creativity of teacher candidates.

Keywords: Creative thinking, mathematical problem-solving, special education teachers, mathematical creativity.

Original Articles An Overview of Teacher Education Practices: Examples from Four Countries in Three Continents

Ersan Borhan

pp. 15 - 26   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2023.528.2


Twenty-first-century has come up with skills that have mandated countries to update their teacher education systems to satisfy contemporary educational needs. Therefore, it is deemed remarkable to bring a comparative perspective on how teachers are trained and the practices in teacher education in different countries to be able to recognize how contemporary teacher competencies are satisfied and examples of improving the quality of teaching. The present study attempts to make a cross-country comparison of teacher education practices in Türkiye and to address contemporary teacher education practices in three countries with reference to those in our country. Accordingly, teacher education systems in Türkiye, the United States, Germany, and Singapore are compared in terms of pre-service teacher selection, pre-service education, and professional recruitment. The findings have yielded some implications for improving the teacher education system adopted in our country. Overall, keeping in mind that no teacher education system is perfect, although the teacher education system in our country shares some aspects with those in the mentioned countries, it has severe deficiencies that need to be addressed. It is believed that the duly implementation of the decisions in the 20th MoNE council meeting and the 2023 Education Vision would encourage a desirable teacher education system in Türkiye

Keywords: Teacher, comparative teacher education, teacher candidate, pre-service education, professional recruitment

Original Articles Teachers’ View of High School Principals’ Support for Alternative Assessment as a Tool for Meaningful Learning

Khaled Ahmad Ateyeh Alhassanat & Sonia Abdulfattah Ibrahim Shehadeh

pp. 27 - 48   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2023.528.3


We conducted this study to determine the extent “Teachers’ View of High School Principals’ Support for alternative assessment as a tool for Meaningful Learning, during the first semester of the academic year 2021-2022, using the descriptive approach. The population consisted of all of the (94) secondary schools in Bethlehem governorate and in Negev Sector. The sample consisted of (268) teacher from both areas. We used the questionnaire to achieve the goals of the study. The results showed that the role of principals in supporting alternative assessment from the teacher’s point of view was high with a mean of (3.71) over/out of (5). The result also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences due to gender and academic qualifications. However, there were statistically significant differences due to years of experience in favor of less than five, and due to location in favor of Negev sector. In light of the results, the researchers recommended that teachers should replace the traditional assessment to more meaningful assessment, and encourage the students to use the higher order thinking skills in their daily life. The principal should involve the alternative assessment spirit in building the school vision, and encourage cooperation between teachers rather than competition. The Palestinian Ministry of education should raise the awareness of the local communities about the importance of the alternative assessment at schools, to have more cooperation between the local communities and the schools, Adopting the Negev experience in implementing the alternative assessment theory, in order to apply it at the schools of Palestinian Ministry of education.

Keywords: High School Principals, alternative assessment, Bethlehem Governorate, Negev Sector

Original Articles An Idiographic Study on the Stereotypic Images of Teachers Through Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (Dast)

Ömer Gökhan Ulum

pp. 49 - 59   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2023.528.4


Children are born with some intrinsic qualities as well as certain invisible endowments, both of which contribute to the fact that each child is endowed as well as unique. In addition, children might either have an introverted or outgoing personality. Youngsters who are more introverted may also have a vibrant inner world, just as children who are more extroverted. Those kids are more likely to rely on their own internal resources in order to educate themselves. These children have opinions and perspectives that are very complex. In addition, even if they prefer their own company, introverted youngsters often have a strong interest in playing creative games. In addition to this, they have a propensity to spend their time engaging in solo pastimes such as painting. There is a wide range of abilities among youngsters, including the ability to answer verbally or in writing to queries. Therefore, the Draw-A-Scientist Test, also known as DAST (Chambers, 1983), is a resourceful opportunity for scientists who are attempting to delve into the intricacies of children's cognitive and emotional worlds. This test evaluates the paintings of young children and can be administered to children as young as three years old. As a result, the current study was constructed based on the cognitive constructs of a kindergartener aged six who was given the Draw-A-Scientist Test to assess their perceptions of teachers in general (DAST). It should come as no surprise that the preconceived notions that youngsters have about their instructors significantly impact their capacity to learn. As a consequence, the results of the study might have useful consequences for pedagogy, education, and scientific research.

Keywords: idiographic, nursery, teacher image, the Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (DAST)