|  e-ISSN: 2718-0107

Original article | Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2024, Vol. 5(2) 199-212

The Idioms in Aziz Nesin's Work 'Toros Canavari (The Monster of Taurus)' and Their Translation into Greek

Sipel Osman Oglou

pp. 199 - 212   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.11   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2406-22-0005.R1

Published online: September 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 13  |  Number of Download: 32


This article is about the translation of the phrasal units and idioms from Turkish into Greek in Aziz Nesin’s play Toros Canavarı (The Monster of Taurus). And specifically, the translation of the phrasal units which contain body parts is examined. How these special phrases of the source text are reflected in the target text and their comprehensibility by the target language readers and audience (in a play), are evaluated in the light of Mona Baker's translation strategies. This analysis was carried out by taking into account the written text (SL) of Aziz Nesin’s work Toros Canavarı and the translation of the same text «Το θεριό του Ταύρου» into Greek (TL) by Ermos Argaios. First of all, idioms containing body parts and special words (discourses) specific to Turkish culture were identified in the Source Text (ST), and then it was discussed to what extent they have equivalents in the Greek translation of the work (TT). According to scholars there are three different equivalences in languages belonging to different language families. These are classified as full equivalence, partial equivalence and zero equivalence Taking this entire translation framework into consideration, this paper tried to examine the translation of the idioms containing body parts into the target language (Greek), evaluating the equivalences at verbal and cultural level but also the losses that took place in the target text.

Keywords: Aziz Nesin, translation of phrasal units, translation strategies, Greek, body parts

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Oglou, S.O. (2024). The Idioms in Aziz Nesin's Work 'Toros Canavari (The Monster of Taurus)' and Their Translation into Greek . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(2), 199-212. doi: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.11

Oglou, S. (2024). The Idioms in Aziz Nesin's Work 'Toros Canavari (The Monster of Taurus)' and Their Translation into Greek . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(2), pp. 199-212.

Chicago 16th edition
Oglou, Sipel Osman (2024). "The Idioms in Aziz Nesin's Work 'Toros Canavari (The Monster of Taurus)' and Their Translation into Greek ". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 5 (2):199-212. doi:10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.11.


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