
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences (BEDU) journal is a peer reviewed journal that publishes research on scientific principles in the field of educational sciences. BEDU journal aims to approach educational research from international perspective. The journal publishes articles  in  English. BEDU journal is published two times a year.

Scientific ethical and legal responsibility of all the manuscript published in the journal belongs to the authors and publishing rights belong to the journal. Without permission from the publisher, some or all of any work can not be published in other journals.

BEDU Journal is a Crossref Member and gives DOI number to the accepted manuscript.

Peer review policy: All relevant submissions will undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and doubly-anonymised refereeing by at least two referees.


Editor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akkaya

e-ISSN : 2718-0107

Journal Abbreviation: BEDU Journal

DOI Prefix: 10.29329/bedu

Owner and Publisher: Press Glocal


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