|  e-ISSN: 2718-0107

Original article | Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2024, Vol. 5(2) 74-96

The Effect of Educational Robotic Applications on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic and Meta-Thematic Study

Muhterem Akgün & İsmail Hakan Akgün

pp. 74 - 96   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.5   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2406-03-0005

Published online: September 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 12  |  Number of Download: 28


In this study, the effect of educational robotic applications on academic achievement was examined using meta-analytic and meta-thematic methods. The CMA program was used in the analysis of the quantitative data in the study, and since it was determined that there was heterogeneity between the studies. As a result of the quantitative findings of the study, it was determined that educational robotic applications had a strong positive effect on the academic achievement of the students (Hedge's g = 0.822). According to the results of the research, it was concluded that it had the most significant effect on students' academic success in the fields of science (Hedge's g = 1.134) and algorithm (Hedge's g = 1.121) according to the courses, and at the secondary school level (g = 0874, Qbetween = 1.608, p = 0.000) has been reached. As a result of the qualitative findings obtained from the study, it was determined that educational robotic applications contributed positively to students' learning in many cognitive, affective, and social aspects such as classroom participation, active learning, motivation, cooperation, and communication. According to the results of the research, it can be said that educational robotic environments have many positive effects such as relating to real life, learning by doing and experiencing, provides concrete experiences, active participation, but there are problems such as technical problems, time consuming and making learning difficult.

Keywords: Educational Robotics, meta-analysis, meta-thematic, academic achievement

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APA 6th edition
Akgun, M. & Akgun, I.H. (2024). The Effect of Educational Robotic Applications on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic and Meta-Thematic Study . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(2), 74-96. doi: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.5

Akgun, M. and Akgun, I. (2024). The Effect of Educational Robotic Applications on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic and Meta-Thematic Study . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(2), pp. 74-96.

Chicago 16th edition
Akgun, Muhterem and Ismail Hakan Akgun (2024). "The Effect of Educational Robotic Applications on Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analytic and Meta-Thematic Study ". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 5 (2):74-96. doi:10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.5.


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