|  e-ISSN: 2718-0107

Original article | Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2024, Vol. 5(2) 18-39

Impact of Digital Story Writing Practices on Disavantaged Areal Children

Selami Keskin & İbrahim Seçkin Aydın

pp. 18 - 39   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.2   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2404-19-0002.R1

Published online: September 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 10  |  Number of Download: 35


Although migration is as old as human history, it can be defined as people leaving the place they live in and living elsewhere in line with their needs. The act of migration can occur both individually and socially. While individual migrations are generally caused by economic reasons, political reasons are more effective in social migrations. People who are displaced by social migrations need to adapt to the people living where they go. This adaptation begins with first learning the language of the place of migration. Among the language skills, writing skill is one of the most difficult skills to learn. Various methods are used to facilitate learning writing skills. One of these methods is digital story writing studies. The aim of the study is to examine the effect of digital story writing on the writing motivation and perception of writing self-efficacy of disadvantaged children in the 7th grade of secondary school whose native language is not Turkish. In the research model, a pretest-posttest weak sample design, one of the quasi-experimental designs, was used. According to the weak sampling design, the study was conducted with only the experimental group and there was no control group in the study. The reason for this situation is that the conditions that will provide the control group cannot be met. The research was conducted in the second semester of the 2022-2023 academic year in Turkey with 7th grade students whose native language is not Turkish. The study lasted eight weeks and the "Photo Story 3" program was used to create digital stories during the study process. Two different scales were used to collect data: writing motivation and writing self-efficacy. These scales were applied as pre-test and post-test and the data were analyzed using the SPSS package program. As a result of the analysis, the difference between the pre-test and post-test was examined. As a result of the research, a significant difference (p <.01) was observed between the pre-test and post-test scores of the writing motivation and writing self-efficacy scales applied to the experimental group. This has shown that digital story writing activities increase the psychological dimensions of writing skills of secondary school students whose native language is not Turkish.

Keywords: Digital story writing, writing motivation, writing self-efficacy, migration.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Keskin, S. & Aydin, I.S. (2024). Impact of Digital Story Writing Practices on Disavantaged Areal Children . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(2), 18-39. doi: 10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.2

Keskin, S. and Aydin, I. (2024). Impact of Digital Story Writing Practices on Disavantaged Areal Children . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(2), pp. 18-39.

Chicago 16th edition
Keskin, Selami and Ibrahim Seckin Aydin (2024). "Impact of Digital Story Writing Practices on Disavantaged Areal Children ". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 5 (2):18-39. doi:10.29329/bedu.2024.1064.2.


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