Research article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2023, Vol. 4(1) 15-26

An Overview of Teacher Education Practices: Examples from Four Countries in Three Continents

Ersan Borhan

pp. 15 - 26   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 14, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 56/607   |   Single/Total Download: 97/1.048


Twenty-first-century has come up with skills that have mandated countries to update their teacher education systems to satisfy contemporary educational needs. Therefore, it is deemed remarkable to bring a comparative perspective on how teachers are trained and the practices in teacher education in different countries to be able to recognize how contemporary teacher competencies are satisfied and examples of improving the quality of teaching. The present study attempts to make a cross-country comparison of teacher education practices in Türkiye and to address contemporary teacher education practices in three countries with reference to those in our country. Accordingly, teacher education systems in Türkiye, the United States, Germany, and Singapore are compared in terms of pre-service teacher selection, pre-service education, and professional recruitment. The findings have yielded some implications for improving the teacher education system adopted in our country. Overall, keeping in mind that no teacher education system is perfect, although the teacher education system in our country shares some aspects with those in the mentioned countries, it has severe deficiencies that need to be addressed. It is believed that the duly implementation of the decisions in the 20th MoNE council meeting and the 2023 Education Vision would encourage a desirable teacher education system in Türkiye

Keywords: Teacher, comparative teacher education, teacher candidate, pre-service education, professional recruitment

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APA 7th edition
Borhan, E. (2023). An Overview of Teacher Education Practices: Examples from Four Countries in Three Continents. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 4(1), 15-26.

Borhan, E. (2023). An Overview of Teacher Education Practices: Examples from Four Countries in Three Continents. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 4(1), pp. 15-26.

Chicago 16th edition
Borhan, Ersan (2023). "An Overview of Teacher Education Practices: Examples from Four Countries in Three Continents". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 4 (1):15-26.


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