Research article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2023, Vol. 4(1) 49-59

An Idiographic Study on the Stereotypic Images of Teachers Through Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (Dast)

Ömer Gökhan Ulum

pp. 49 - 59   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 14, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 63/610   |   Single/Total Download: 100/1.125


Children are born with some intrinsic qualities as well as certain invisible endowments, both of which contribute to the fact that each child is endowed as well as unique. In addition, children might either have an introverted or outgoing personality. Youngsters who are more introverted may also have a vibrant inner world, just as children who are more extroverted. Those kids are more likely to rely on their own internal resources in order to educate themselves. These children have opinions and perspectives that are very complex. In addition, even if they prefer their own company, introverted youngsters often have a strong interest in playing creative games. In addition to this, they have a propensity to spend their time engaging in solo pastimes such as painting. There is a wide range of abilities among youngsters, including the ability to answer verbally or in writing to queries. Therefore, the Draw-A-Scientist Test, also known as DAST (Chambers, 1983), is a resourceful opportunity for scientists who are attempting to delve into the intricacies of children's cognitive and emotional worlds. This test evaluates the paintings of young children and can be administered to children as young as three years old. As a result, the current study was constructed based on the cognitive constructs of a kindergartener aged six who was given the Draw-A-Scientist Test to assess their perceptions of teachers in general (DAST). It should come as no surprise that the preconceived notions that youngsters have about their instructors significantly impact their capacity to learn. As a consequence, the results of the study might have useful consequences for pedagogy, education, and scientific research.

Keywords: idiographic, nursery, teacher image, the Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (DAST)

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Ulum, O.G. (2023). An Idiographic Study on the Stereotypic Images of Teachers Through Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (Dast). Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 4(1), 49-59.

Ulum, O. (2023). An Idiographic Study on the Stereotypic Images of Teachers Through Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (Dast). Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 4(1), pp. 49-59.

Chicago 16th edition
Ulum, Omer Gokhan (2023). "An Idiographic Study on the Stereotypic Images of Teachers Through Draw‐A‐Scientist Test (Dast)". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 4 (1):49-59.


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