For Reviewer

Please note that BEDU Journal uses a blind review process; therefore, writers must exclude authors’ names, institutions, and clues to the authors’ identities that exist within the manuscript.

Upon accepting by the editors, manuscripts are delivered at least two separate reviewer. In case of reviewers’ dichotomy decisions, manuscript is delivered a third reviewer. 

Editor has responsibility of pursuing the manuscript report in a given time. In case of non-arrival in a given time, manuscript is assigned to a new referee by editorial board.  

Reviewers are to evaluate manuscripts according to criteria as follows:

  1. Is the scope of the study clearly explained?
  2. Are the purpose, methods and results of the study consistent?
  3. Is the study authentic?
  4. Does it make a scientific contribution to the literature?
  5. Does it have a widespread impact on science?
  6. Is the study about one of the priority subjects determined by the journal?
  7. Is its English adequately accurate and clear?
  8. Does it follow the formal scientific rules of writing?
  9. Does it comply with ethical rules?
  10. Does the title reflect the content of the study?

Please note that correspondence between reviewer-editor, editor-author is practiced by message section in Article Tracking System.

Upon evaluating the candidate paper, referees can submit corrections to the system, if needed, in Word for Windows or Quark Macintosh format.

Reviewers can desire to see the current version of the candidate paper on which they evaluated before. Accordingly, registered paper is seen referee’s own system to evaluate. 

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