Research article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2022, Vol. 3(1) 29-45

Teachers' View of High School Principals' Support for Meaningful Learning

Khaled Ahmad Ateyeh Alhassanat & Sonia Abdulfattah Ibrahim Shehadeh

pp. 29 - 45   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 13, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 64/756   |   Single/Total Download: 117/1.618


We conducted this study to determine the extent 'Teachers' View of High School Principals' Support for Meaningful Learning, during the second semester of the academic year 2016-2017, using the descriptive approach. The population consisted of all of the 94 secondary schools in Bethlehem governorate and in Negev Sector. The sample consisted of (240) teacher from both areas. We used the questionnaire to achieve the goals of the study. The results showed that Teachers' View of High School Principals' Support for Meaningful Learning was high with a mean of (3.73) over/out of (5). The result also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in due to gender and academic qualifications. However, there were statistically significant differences due to years of experience in favor of less than Five and location in favor of Negev sector. In light of the results, we recommended that teachers can replace the traditional assessment to more meaningful assessment, apply technology applications at their work, and encourage the students to use the higher order thinking skills in their daily life. The principal should involve the meaningful learning spirit in building the school vision, and encourage cooperation between teachers rather than competition. The Palestinian Ministry of education should raise the awareness of the local communities about the importance of the meaningful learning at schools, to have more cooperation between the local communities and the schools, Adopting the Negev experience in implementing the meaningful learning theory, in order to apply it at the schools of Palestinian Ministry of education.The results showed that Teachers' View of High School Principals' Support for Meaningful Learning was high with a mean of (3.73) over/out of (5). The result also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in due to gender and academic qualifications. However, there were statistically significant differences due to years of experience in favor of less than Five and location in favor of Negev sector.

In light of the results, we recommended that teachers can replace the traditional assessment to more meaningful assessment, apply technology applications at their work, and encourage the students to use the higher order thinking skills in their daily life. The principal should involve the meaningful learning spirit in building the school vision, and encourage cooperation between teachers rather than competition. The Palestinian Ministry of education should raise the awareness of the local communities about the importance of the meaningful learning at schools, to have more cooperation between the local communities and the schools, Adopting the Negev experience in implementing the meaningful learning theory, in order to apply it at the schools of Palestinian Ministry of education.

Keywords: High School Principals, Meaningful Learning, Palestine, positive psychology, positive education

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APA 7th edition
Alhassanat, K.A.A., & Shehadeh, S.A.I. (2022). Teachers’ View of High School Principals’ Support for Meaningful Learning. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 3(1), 29-45.

Alhassanat, K. and Shehadeh, S. (2022). Teachers’ View of High School Principals’ Support for Meaningful Learning. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 3(1), pp. 29-45.

Chicago 16th edition
Alhassanat, Khaled Ahmad Ateyeh and Sonia Abdulfattah Ibrahim Shehadeh (2022). "Teachers’ View of High School Principals’ Support for Meaningful Learning". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 3 (1):29-45.


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