Research article | Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2024, Vol. 5(1) 99-113
pp. 99 - 113 | DOI:
Publish Date: March 24, 2024 | Single/Total View: 47/258 | Single/Total Download: 56/351
The aim of this study is to investigate in depth the school experiences and career status and choices of individuals who are school dropouts with low socioeconomic level and high hopelessness levels in the non-Western country of Turkey. To this end, Consensual Qualitative Research, a qualitative data analysis method, was used. A total of 10 school dropouts participated in the study. Preliminary findings showed that female students who dropped out of school could not be accessed by routes like Skype. The study revealed that dropping out of school influences the career development of participants. Furthermore, the following domains related to school dropout emerged through the data analysis: (a) reasons for school dropout and (b) career process and choices.
Keywords: School dropout, career counseling, Turkey, non-Western society
APA 7th edition
Koc, M., & Kilic, O.U. (2024). Career and Educational Experiences of School Dropouts with Low Socioeconomic Status and High Hopelessness Level. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(1), 99-113.
Koc, M. and Kilic, O. (2024). Career and Educational Experiences of School Dropouts with Low Socioeconomic Status and High Hopelessness Level. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(1), pp. 99-113.
Chicago 16th edition
Koc, Muharrem and Ozlem Ulas Kilic (2024). "Career and Educational Experiences of School Dropouts with Low Socioeconomic Status and High Hopelessness Level". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 5 (1):99-113.
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