Research article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2024, Vol. 5(1) 81-98

Revealing and Implementing Introductory Paragraph Models for the Development of Turkish Academic Writing Skills

Fatih Kahraman & Fatma Bölükbaş Kaya

pp. 81 - 98   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 24, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 51/258   |   Single/Total Download: 103/345


The aim of this research is to develop a course model in the field of academic writing that international students studying at undergraduate/graduate level need to prepare qualified research papers, reports, scientific writings by determining the structural organization and metadiscoursal features appropriate to the subject and to transfer this writing culture to more comprehensive texts such as articles, papers and theses. This course model is limited to introductory writing and introductory models in academic texts. The grammatical structures, vocabulary, basic phrases, connectors, paragraph structure and planning stages of thoughts specific to introductory section models constitute the content of the course model. In this study, content analysis was used to determine the introductory paragraph models; in order to reveal the success level of the course model, the course model was developed and implemented and the academic writing achievement test was applied as pre-test and post-test. With this approach, some templates regarding the text structure of the introductory paragraph(s) were revealed thanks to the data obtained as a result of the analyses of hundreds of academic texts. Text analyses were carried out based on text structure criteria. In the first stage, small structure analysis and paragraph description were performed. Here, a grammatical analysis was made based on cohesion criteria and the focus was on the words and phrases on the surface of the text. In the second stage, large structure analysis and paragraph analysis were carried out. At this stage, the meaning level of the text was analyzed under the subheadings of coherence, meaning of the text, structural elements that make up the meaning, acceptability, informativeness and key concepts. As a result of the analyses made within the scope of small-scale and large-scale textuality criteria, it was possible to interpret the paragraphs and the types of introductory paragraphs were determined at the superstructure stage. A course model was prepared to transfer the data obtained as a result of the analysis of academic texts to the text production process. In the prepared lesson model, the elements that make up the determined introductory paragraph types and structural organization were emphasized. The funnel model, chronological model, model starting with an interesting or remarkable event and model starting with a question are presented together with text analyses showing how they are formed.

Keywords: Teaching Turkish as a foreign language, academic Turkish, academic writing, introduction paragraph models.

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APA 7th edition
Kahraman, F., & Kaya, F.B. (2024). Revealing and Implementing Introductory Paragraph Models for the Development of Turkish Academic Writing Skills . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(1), 81-98.

Kahraman, F. and Kaya, F. (2024). Revealing and Implementing Introductory Paragraph Models for the Development of Turkish Academic Writing Skills . Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 5(1), pp. 81-98.

Chicago 16th edition
Kahraman, Fatih and Fatma Bolukbas Kaya (2024). "Revealing and Implementing Introductory Paragraph Models for the Development of Turkish Academic Writing Skills ". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 5 (1):81-98.


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