Research article | Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2023, Vol. 4(2) 30-41
pp. 30 - 41 | DOI:
Publish Date: September 15, 2023 | Single/Total View: 35/422 | Single/Total Download: 51/758
Reading comprehension skill is very important for students as it is what individual needs throughout his/her whole life and must meet certain standards socially and academically. In the literature, there are studies investigating the relationships between reading comprehension and metacognitive strategies. With this study, it is aimed to reveal whether students use different metacognitive strategies in their reading comprehension skills at different cognitive levels (focusing on and retrieving explicitly stated information, making straightforward inferences and evaluating and criticizing the content and textual elements). The study group consists of 69 seventh grade students. Reading comprehension test, rubric and Metacognitive Reading Strategies Scale were used to collect data. In data analysis, cross tables were created. According to the cross tables, the metacognitive reading strategy most used by the students while answering the items at all cognitive levels is the reading strategy based on problem solving. According to internal interpretations, students' strategy use according to cognitive level may be related to students' inexperience in using strategies, their low performance in reading comprehension success or their unawareness of metacognitive strategies. External interpretations are discussed with studies using the same measurement tool in the literature and studies investigating metacognitive reading strategies and reading comprehension.
Keywords: Meta cognitive strategies, reading comprehension, reading strategies, achievement test.
APA 7th edition
Ozyeter, N.T. (2023). Investigation of Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use for Items Constructed at Different Cognitive Processes. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 4(2), 30-41.
Ozyeter, N. (2023). Investigation of Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use for Items Constructed at Different Cognitive Processes. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 4(2), pp. 30-41.
Chicago 16th edition
Ozyeter, Nesli̇han Tugce (2023). "Investigation of Metacognitive Reading Strategy Use for Items Constructed at Different Cognitive Processes". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 4 (2):30-41.
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