Research article | Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2022, Vol. 3(2) 22-31
pp. 22 - 31 | DOI:
Publish Date: September 30, 2022 | Single/Total View: 38/686 | Single/Total Download: 71/1.265
The purpose of the study is to examine the scientific research self-efficacy of geography teacher candidates of COMU Faculty of Education. In this direction, a scientific research self-efficacy scale consisting of six factors and 37 items was used. The sample group of the study was the teacher candidates who continue their educations in the Department of Geography Education, Turkish and Social Sciences Education, a Faculty of Education at a state university in Marmara region of Turkey. The sample of the research consists of 72 teacher candidates who continue their education in the same department (1,2,3 and 4th grades). As a result of the study, it was found that male Geography Teacher candidates' opinions on scientific self-efficacy were more positive than female Geography Teacher candidates. As a result of the research, after determining the problem, it was determined that they had a high self-efficacy that they could continue the investigation accordingly, but that their self-efficacy was low at the point of identifying the problem situation personally. It has been determined that while the candidates have high self-efficacy in examining the literature in the context of the problem situation, they have low self-efficacy in accessing national and international databases for literature review. It has been observed that the geography teacher candidates have high self-efficacy in determining the appropriate method for testing hypotheses, and they have low self-efficacy if they can perform validity and reliability studies of the data collection tools they will use in the research. It has been observed that they have high self-efficacy in discussing and presenting the study findings to the reader in the reporting process, and low self-efficacy in writing the reporting process according to the testing of the hypothesis(s).
Keywords: Geography Education, scientific research, self-efficacy, reporting, data analysis, method, hypothesis, defining the problem.
APA 7th edition
Oztura, E. (2022). An Analysis of Preservice Geography Teachers’ Scientific Research Self-Efficacy. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 3(2), 22-31.
Oztura, E. (2022). An Analysis of Preservice Geography Teachers’ Scientific Research Self-Efficacy. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 3(2), pp. 22-31.
Chicago 16th edition
Oztura, Erdal (2022). "An Analysis of Preservice Geography Teachers’ Scientific Research Self-Efficacy". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 3 (2):22-31.
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