Research article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2022, Vol. 3(2) 12-21

Explicit-Reflective Teaching of the Nature of Science for Primary School Students

Mehmet Küçük & Ozge Beyaz

pp. 12 - 21   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 30, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 58/705   |   Single/Total Download: 103/1.340


This study aimed to investigate the effect of a teaching material designed to teach the nature of science to 4th-grade students. For the research, a teaching material was designed, which reflects the tentative, inferential, imaginative, and creative aspects of the nature of science. It was implemented for a total of eight primary school 4th grade students and lasted for two-course hours. Firstly, a preliminary interview was conducted with them. Immediately after the teaching, they were interviewed for the last time. The data were collected through the nature of a science student interview form developed by Khishfe and Abd-El-Khalick (2002) and consisting of a total of six questions. Each student's pre and post-nature of science profiles on three aspects were created and compared. It was determined that the naive views about the tentative, inferential, creative, and imaginative nature of science were observed in the pre-interviews and varied greatly in the post-interviews in a short time. Students who initially believed that scientific knowledge was impeccable and that scientists were 100% sure almost completely abandoned these naive views. We wonder if the change will be permanent and this should be tested with follow-up studies and also how the short time teaching will reflect their daily lives.

Keywords: Teaching the Nature of Science, Primary School Students, Science Education

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Kucuk, M., & Beyaz, O. (2022). Explicit-Reflective Teaching of the Nature of Science for Primary School Students. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 3(2), 12-21.

Kucuk, M. and Beyaz, O. (2022). Explicit-Reflective Teaching of the Nature of Science for Primary School Students. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 3(2), pp. 12-21.

Chicago 16th edition
Kucuk, Mehmet and Ozge Beyaz (2022). "Explicit-Reflective Teaching of the Nature of Science for Primary School Students". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 3 (2):12-21.


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