Research article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2021, Vol. 2(1) 1-20

An Analysis of Primary School 4th-Grade Students' Local Literacy Levels (The Case of Canakkale Province)

Yasir Akbas & Bülent Güven

pp. 1 - 20   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 31, 2021  |   Single/Total View: 101/925   |   Single/Total Download: 152/2.101


This study aimed to examine the 4th-grade students in terms of 'local literacy', which has been presented as a new literacy type in the relevant literature. In the study which was conducted as a descriptive and qualitative study, the data was gathered through a structured interview form including open-ended questions which were prepared to measure the local literacy skills of the 4th-grade students who were studying in the city center of Çanakkale province. The collected data were examined with the techniques suitable for the qualitative research method, and according to the findings, it was concluded that the participant 4th-grade students did not have sufficient literacy skills to introduce the historical and cultural values of the sites where they reside. Based on these results, relevant suggestions have been presented with this study to help students gain local literacy skills with the help of FOKUSD applications.

Keywords: Local Literacy, Social Studies, Primary School

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APA 7th edition
Akbas, Y., & Guven, B. (2021). An Analysis of Primary School 4th-Grade Students’ Local Literacy Levels (The Case of Canakkale Province). Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 2(1), 1-20.

Akbas, Y. and Guven, B. (2021). An Analysis of Primary School 4th-Grade Students’ Local Literacy Levels (The Case of Canakkale Province). Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 2(1), pp. 1-20.

Chicago 16th edition
Akbas, Yasir and Bulent Guven (2021). "An Analysis of Primary School 4th-Grade Students’ Local Literacy Levels (The Case of Canakkale Province)". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2 (1):1-20.


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