Original article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2020, Vol. 1(1) 40-50

Evaluation of Free Reading Texts in Yedi İklim Turkish Set For Foreigners

Mesut Gün & Abdullah Uğur

pp. 40 - 50   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2020.253.4

Publish Date: September 17, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 146/935   |   Single/Total Download: 219/2.220


Reading is a competence gained after listening and speaking skills in mother tongue teaching but it might be said that it is one of the first competences gained in foreign language learning. Reading texts have a great role in gaining and developing reading skill. Therefore, a great care should be given when choosing the reading texts in Turkish Sets prepared to teach Turkish as a foreign language. In this study, some of the free reading texts in Yedi İklim Turkish Set were picked up and evaluated on the base of free reading activities given in the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages. In this study, document review method, which is one of the data collection tools in qualitative research, was employed. As a result of our research, it is concluded that the visuals used in free reading texts are not effective and not original, either in its real sense. However, cultural transfer through the reading texts is given weight as much as possible. It is in particular remarkable that comprehension activities are missing following the free reading texts. As free reading texts help to develop learner's skill to comprehend and understand a word within language learning process, free reading texts should be followed by some activities and exercises to understand the given text better and more accurately.

Keywords: Reading, free reading, evaluation, teaching Turkish as a foreign language.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Gun, M., & Ugur, A. (2020). Evaluation of Free Reading Texts in Yedi İklim Turkish Set For Foreigners. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1), 40-50. https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2020.253.4

Gun, M. and Ugur, A. (2020). Evaluation of Free Reading Texts in Yedi İklim Turkish Set For Foreigners. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1), pp. 40-50.

Chicago 16th edition
Gun, Mesut and Abdullah Ugur (2020). "Evaluation of Free Reading Texts in Yedi İklim Turkish Set For Foreigners". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 1 (1):40-50. https://doi.org/10.29329/bedu.2020.253.4


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