Research article    |    Open Access
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 2020, Vol. 1(1) 51-63

Comparison of Speaking Activities in the Coursebooks New Hitit Turkish Language for Foreigners 1 and İstanbul Turkish A1 for for Foreigners

Lokman Tanrıkulu & Esat Öncül

pp. 51 - 63   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 17, 2020  |   Single/Total View: 220/921   |   Single/Total Download: 287/2.274


Teaching Turkish as a foreign language is an increasingly important field. The number of foreigners who want to learn Turkish is increasing day by day. In foreign language teaching, four basic language skills are emphasized and teachers make various applications in the lessons to improve students' basic language skills. Textbooks are among the resources used in foreign language teaching. Activities prepared in accordance with the principles of each level can speed up students language learning processes. In addition, the use of various visuals in the activities in the textbooks can intensify the students attention, making it easier to understand abstract concepts. Speech, one of the four basic language skills, is a skill that exists in every moment of human life. While learning a foreign language, as in their mother tongue, people provide their communication with speaking skills. Students who improve their speaking skills can express themselves more effectively, increase their self-confidence and communicate comfortably with their environment. In this study, the speaking activities of the Turkish textbook 1 for New Hitit Foreigners and the Turkish A1 textbook for Istanbul Foreigners were compared. It was emphasized whether visuals were used in the speech activities examined, whether the activities developed other skills as well. In addition, the appropriateness of the activities to those measured for the A1 level speech assessment in the European Common Reference for Languages text was examined. It is hoped that the suggestions made based on the findings reached by comparing the speech activities in both books will contribute to the new speech activities.

Keywords: Turkish for foreigners, Speech activities, Comparison, Istanbul, New Hitit, Textbook.

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APA 7th edition
Tanrikulu, L., & Oncul, E. (2020). Comparison of Speaking Activities in the Coursebooks New Hitit Turkish Language for Foreigners 1 and İstanbul Turkish A1 for for Foreigners. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1), 51-63.

Tanrikulu, L. and Oncul, E. (2020). Comparison of Speaking Activities in the Coursebooks New Hitit Turkish Language for Foreigners 1 and İstanbul Turkish A1 for for Foreigners. Base for Electronic Educational Sciences, 1(1), pp. 51-63.

Chicago 16th edition
Tanrikulu, Lokman and Esat Oncul (2020). "Comparison of Speaking Activities in the Coursebooks New Hitit Turkish Language for Foreigners 1 and İstanbul Turkish A1 for for Foreigners". Base for Electronic Educational Sciences 1 (1):51-63.


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